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Dream Weaving

Brian Peterson

Sitting among a whole bunch of artists (illustrators) in Dallas, I had one of my normal jarring thoughts: What are we all doing here?!Of course, we were all there at the Dallas Fan Expo to sell the products of our talents, but what were we doing there? How was it that so many people in life – many of whom were over 30 years of age (and I’m plenty over 30) – were gathered together in pursuit of their dreams?

Next to me in a booth was an illustrator who traveled from Los Angeles to be at this show. On the other side was a gentleman who makes his living as an artist – in Holland. It was his second visit to the United States (and I assure you that, if his perception of Americans is based on three days next to me, it may have been his last). He was a great guy and outstanding artist, yet despite making a living as an artist, he was still pursuing that dream of being the master of an illustrated world.

My father was a truck driver who eventually did well for himself – not rich, just comfortable. He didn’t dream of fame or riches or discovering a cure for cancer. He only focused on improving the lives of his wife and kids, and he achieved that goal.

Many of us dream big dreams, maybe set ourselves up a bit, fall a little short (or a mile short) of what we expect of ourselves. I’m definitely one of those people. I don’t want to survive or simply improve – I want to excel. I want to sell millions of novels just like I wanted to make a living selling screenplays.

This isn’t a Pity Party, but a reminder to focus. Focus on those goals, those dreams. I’m undoubtedly past the halfway point of my life but I’m not fazed. Age is not a reason to whine or sulk, but to work harder. That’s why I keep it in mind that every new reader is an accomplishment. Every Dead Dreams reader is likely to be a Wager of Death reader. Every person who reads my novels is more likely to want to read succeeding novels. That’s reason to pursue the dream.

I know of a guy who not long ago quit his job and opened a micro-brewery. He didn’t just dive in: he prepared; he researched; he saved his money; he visited micro-breweries in Europe. That’s the true definition of “living the dream.”

David Seidler, the screenwriter for The King’s Speech, was 74 years old when he won an Academy Award for his most prized project. His dream didn’t have an expiration date. It’s the same whether you have an invention in mind, a business to start, or a mere fictional story to write.

Following dreams doesn’t have a time limit.

On another, more practical note, I had an enjoyable interview with the podcast “The Sample Chapter Podcast.” Jason the host did a very good job of making the interview conversational yet interesting. It’s pretty cool that I’m on a podcast, and I was quite pleased with the result. Reading aloud a chapter from my most recent novel was a little odd – not my normal habit.

You’ll find the link below. You can listen online or on the podcast platform on your phone.

One final subject: for those of you in the Kansas City area, Wager of Death is in the Barnes and Noble at Oak Park Mall in Overland Park. If you haven’t picked up a copy yet, trot on over to Barnes and Noble.

And with that, remember to leave a review for not just my novels, but for your favorite authors – especially we lesser-known folks. Reviews do wonders.

Until next time,

Brian W. Peterson

Somewhere on the edge of the Great Plains

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