I trust you had a happy Thanksgiving and were able to spend time with
family and friends.
As you’re working on that Christmas gift list for loved ones, don’t forget
those who love to read. Below are the links to my novels—all of which are
available at Amazon.
The Lost Starship, my 23-minute Star Trek fan film, has (between two sites)
garnered over a quarter of a million views and has won a few awards. You
would not believe how many people make “fan films,” with subjects ranging
from Star Trek to Star Wars to Harry Potter to Scream.
Unfortunately, 2024 has not been the year I had hoped for in the context of
writing. For those who have read The Nova Quadrant, please be patient for
the next book in the series. Circumstances beyond my control—namely, my
wife was diagnosed with breast cancer—changed the focus of my day-to-
day life. For me, it has been time in a waiting room for surgery and sitting
next to my wife as she endures chemo treatments. But that’s nothing for
me compared to her travails: I’m not the one with cancer. People kindly ask
how I’m doing, but I bristle a bit (with apologies to those kind souls)
because what I’m “going through” is nothing compared to what she is going
through. I just drive her and care for her—she suffers through pain and
Nevertheless, Time marches on. My wife will be fine when this long process
is completed next Spring and I will resume writing—sooner if I can.
All that sadness and angst aside, I want to wish you and your families a
happy holiday season—may you have a merry Christmas and/or happy
Brian W. Peterson
Somewhere on the edge of the Great Plains