I wanted to briefly wish you and your family a happy holiday season. Have a great Christmas and Hanukkah and a blessed New Year!
For those who signed up for my blog because you’re into sci-fi, I’m still working on the first novel of a sci-fi trilogy. If you signed up for thrillers, it’s going to be a bit until I get back to writing a thriller, but think about giving Dead Dreams or Wager of Death as gifts to your friends and family. For those who love audio books, Paper Doll is in progress. Last week, I went to Dallas and recorded the Acknowledgements, Dedication, Foreword, etc., and the voice actor is doing a tremendous job with the novel.
We’re inching forward with Paper Doll as a miniseries. I just recently finished writing the pilot, but we still have a long way to go to make that a reality.
So, things are happening. I’m moving in the right direction. I have a LONG way to go to get where I need to be as an author and writer, but it’s nice to see some doors opening. Now I just need to continue to sell novels, so tell your friends about Paper Doll, think Christmas gifts, and pick up a copy for yourself while you’re at it.
The easiest way to find my books?
Let’s all wave goodbye to 2021! I’m for sticking it into the trash can.
Brian W. Peterson
Somewhere on the edge of the Great Plains